make music • make friends • make a difference
intermediate strings, wind, brass and percussion
Philharmonic is an intermediate auditioned orchestra comprised of advancing string, wind, brass and percussion students.
Players are expected to be able to play in various keys, through four sharps or four flats. String players should have some shifting experience, and awareness of advancing bow/articulation techniques, along with a beginning or developing vibrato. Other extended techniques may occur.
Wind and brass players should have experience with playing in sharp keys, and approximately a two octave range. Percussionists should have experience on snare, mallets and timpani. Coaching is provided! This is not a checklist, more a general guide to readiness for Philharmonic music.
AUDITION materials are available for each instrument on the AUDITIONS page.
Rehearsals are Monday evenings, typically 6:45-8:30 pm, with additional sectionals and dress rehearsals as scheduled. Most rehearsals are at Grand Forks Central High School, 115 4th St. N, in the band & orchestra rooms/lower level music wing. String seating is rotated each concert. Brass, woodwind and percussion usually rotate from piece to piece. ​
Returning Philharmonic members may register for the 2024-25 Philharmonic season without an additional audition. (Placement auditions may be heard in the fall at rehearsal.) Direct link: https://bit.ly/NVYOPhil24-25
For students who are new to NVYO and would like to join Philharmonic, prepare the audition packet and register for an audition time! See AUDITIONS page
Returning Philharmonic Students wishing to be considered for SYMPHONY will need to register for and complete an audition. Audition information for Symphony is on the AUDITIONS page.
The conductors' placement decision will determine which orchestra for the student.
Important note: Orchestral placement is at the discretion of the conductors, regardless of the student’s declared intent. Age is never the ONLY determining factor in orchestral placement; NVYO ensembles are arranged by playing level. Orchestral assignment is made with intent to create the overall best experience for each student, with orchestra balance in mind.
Fees – 2024-25
Register before May 31, 2024 and save!​
Tuition is $285 for the entire school year, $275 before August 31, $265 if registration is received by May 31st.
Fees include all instruction, music use, sectional opportunities, and a t-shirt.
Students joining in the middle of the season or with extreme circumstances such as a move or Air Force transfer may inquire about a reduced half-year tuition rate, presently $165 for Philharmonic.
Limited scholarships are available, need or merit- based for all members. Complete the appropriate application online HERE. Please submit prior to registration for best consideration.
Contact Naomi Welsh with questions – nwelsh@novyo.org,